Why use rituals for the moon phases?
The Moon is a beautiful reminder that nature is cyclical, with each part of the cycle having different powers and opportunities. In our modern world, we forget that we too are part of nature — we lead linear, productivity-driven, afraid-of-messiness-and-darkness lives. These rituals for the moon phases are reminders.
But there in the sky, like a ever-present clock, is the Moon to guide us in remembering to plant intentions, grow and harvest, then decay and compost every single month.
At her brightest, she has the power to illuminate things that were once hidden. In her darkness, she nurtures our transformation and reminds us that the dark need not be feared.
She brings peace to our personal life cycles of growth and death or letting go.
Women have their own in-built cyclical reminder as well, their monthly womb cycle, and we are all able to witness the changing seasons in nature. But since a large number of women don’t have a menstrual cycle because they are on hormonal birth control (although that’s slowly changing as we return to living in harmony with our wombs), and we are spending more time indoors with artificial light and temperature control, we’re pretty disconnected from the cycles around us.
Working with the moon phases as an anchor into more seasonal living is great for:
- Those without menstrual cycles
- Women with menstrual cycles who want to add a touch of moon magic to their own internal rhythms
- Anyone interested in connecting to the divine
The moon phases & rituals
There are 4 major phases of the moon and 4 minor phases.
New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Third Quarter
Waning Crescent
- To start, I recommend working with the New Moon and Full Moon energies. Because the moon is most potent at these times, this is when rituals are performed. Start with the simple rituals I’ve suggested.
- You can then add check-ins at the First Quarter and Last Quarter.
- For extra inspiration on what to focus on, you can look up the Zodiac sign the Moon falls in at the time of your ritual and where that sign lives in your personal birth chart.
For extended moon reports & personalised rituals for every New Moon and Full Moon, join our juicy VIP subscriber list!
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New Moon — Envision what you desire
The Moon appears invisible. The Sun and Moon are in conjunction, so their energies are harmonised and amplified.
With no light in our sky, it’s time to go inward.
For centuries, farmers planted the seeds of harvest on the New Moon. Now, we can plant our own intentions.
Spring energy, new beginnings, manifestations, shadow work, divination.
New Moon Intention Setting Ritual
Tools: Paper & pen | Candle | Incense or feather | Bowl or jar of water | Crystal or plant
- Open the space by smoke cleansing with sage or diffusing essential oils. Ground yourself with a meditation or few deep breaths.
- On your altar or simply on the ground around you, place the 4 objects representative of the elements: water in the North, a feather or incense for Air in the East, a candle for Fire in the South, and a crystal or plant for Earth in the West.
- Journal what goals or manifestations you desire in your life. What do you want to grow and give life to? What do you need to nurture right, for it to blossom later? What is exciting you right now? What are you ready for?
- Spend some time in meditation, visualisation or dance embodying and feeling those things as if you already have them.
- Then blow out the candle, plant the paper in the earth outside or in a plant pot, and pour the water on your intentions to help them grow.
Waxing Crescent — Nourish the seed
Use the days following a New Moon to anchor the intentions you planted and make action plans.
Attraction and motivation.
First Quarter — Keep on track
The Sun and Moon are in a square off, or 90 degree angle.
This energy highlights resistance and any needed amendments.
Growth, creativity, action.
First Quarter Vision Board Ritual
Around a week following the New Moon, create a digital vision board (I love Pinterest for this) or go old-school and cut out images from magazines.
Hint: when searching on Pinterest, add ‘aesthetic’ after your search to bring up inspiring pictures e.g. ‘friendship aesthetic’
Include images that are literal representations of your desires and any others that evoke a positive feeling.
Place your vision board somewhere visible, either by printing it or downloading the images and making them your laptop/phone background.
Another hint: download the Pinterest widget on your phone home screen and choose your Vision Board to rotate through the photos hourly!
Waxing Gibbous — Feed your intuition
Energy is rising before the Full Moon.
You have more perspective on the growth of your intentions and the chance for any final action.
Refine and analyse.

Full Moon — Surrender and release
Supportive and balanced energy, with the Sun and Moon in opposition.
The fully illuminated sky highlights what is no longer serves you and is ready to be released.
A time for harvesting what we have sown on the New Moon and practicing gratitude.
Summer energy, climax, healing, cleansing, charging, spell work.
Full Moon Cleanse & Release Bath Ritual
Tools: jar of water | crystals | epsom salts, essential oils or rose petals | herbal tea or cacao
- The night before your bath, leave your crystals and jar of water outside or on your windowsill overnight to infuse them with the Full Moon energy.
- Run your bath, add your salts, oils or petals and tip in the Moon Water from the jar. Maybe light a candle or play some soothing music. Make your warm drink.
- Before you step in, hold your Moon-infused crystals and envision a warm white light radiating from your hands, imagining what you wish to release.
- Place your crystals in the water with you and watch its energy cleanse and heal you. As you soak, envision your life when your dream has manifested. Use the warmth and pleasure of your bath experience to bring up a deep sense of gratitude and joy within you.
- When you are finished, visualise what no longer serves you flowing down the drain with the water and remain in the bath until it is all gone. Treat yourself to a nourishing body massage, and place your crystals on your altar or bedside to aid you in the rest of the cycle.
If you’re feeling to call to understand more about how your own celestial blueprint interacts with the moon phases, I really recommend having a personalised Astrology Chart Reading!
Waning Gibbous — Shed another layer
With still strong light, this time is an opportunity to further release and dissolve.
Self-care in this phase will support you as the moon darkens again.
Undoing, cleansing.
Third Quarter — Take stock and nourish
The Sun and Moon square off again and frustrations may arise.
Use impatience triggers and limiting beliefs as indicators of where you can do some work.
Be gentle with yourself and practice nourishing self-care.
Breaking bad habits, banishing.
Third Quarter Divination Ritual
Tools: tarot or oracle cards | journal & pen
- Ground yourself with a long meditation, breathwork or some nourishing self-touch. Set an intention to receive guidance from your higher self or divine guides on any last resistance or advice for your path.
- Pick a single card or a 3 card spread (try past, present, future or situation, obstacle, advice). Spend time listening to the intuitive messages you receive, and record them in your journal.
- Ask yourself, how have I progressed in my goals? What have I learnt during this cycle? What habits am I ready to let go of?
- Finish the ritual with a symbolic cord-cutting or letting go, maybe by writing your resistance on paper and burning it or through intuitive dance.
Waning Crescent — Go within
With disappearing light, we prepare to turn inward and assess how our cycle went.
The final days before the New Moon, known as the Dark Moon, are ripe for considering your growth for next cycle.
Wisdom, letting go.

Enjoy reconnecting with and remembering the magic you hold inside you!
With love,

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