What are auras?
Aura colours are the unseen fields or life force energy surrounding a person’s body, giving off a certain feeling or impression that can signal the state of someone’s mood or emotions.
But whilst they are ‘invisible’ to the naked eye, highly sensitive and intuitive people are often able to see them as colours — with each colour corresponding to different personality traits. Most people have two colours, a primary and a secondary.
Just like astrology and Human Design, knowing your aura helps you understand yourself and lead your most authentic life. Knowing how your energy works means you can nourish and protect your body, surround yourself with supportive people, undertake projects that are meaningful to you and create an ideal working environment.
The five common aura colours
Naturally empathetic, sensitive & compassionate.
Thoughtful givers and healers, love working in environment that allows them to care for others (medical or educational fields).
Selfless and stick to the background rather than the spotlight.
Mother Theresa, Princess Diana.
Organised and perfectionist spreadsheet queens, who love large projects because you know exactly how to break it up into functional pieces (real estate, interior design or marketing).
Busy multitaskers, curious and endlessly inquisitive.
Obsessed with self-help and seek constant self-improvement.
Know how to control their emotions so can come across as cold, but that’s not true — they just need time to process.
Love direct, honest communication.
Gabby Bernstein, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kurt Cobain (wouldn’t have picked that – Nirvana just came on as I’m writing…huh.)

Creative, intuitive, nonjudgemental and spontaneous.
Free spirits with a rebellious side, who crave change and artistic outlets and don’t like being told what to do.
Enjoy the spotlight but hate the 9-5 grind, so may be found in the entertainment fields, or as artists, therapists, teachers, cosmetologists, freelancers or entrepreneurs.
Taylor Swift, Pete Davidson.
Logical, intellectual, innovative and detail oriented.
Crave passionate projects which promote challenging self growth, and tend to be workaholics (often CEOs or entrepreneurs).
Able to separate emotions from choices they make.
Visionaries and singular-minded about what they are doing — may have different goals but have similar thought processes.
Greta Thunberg, Deepak Chopra.
Direct, assertive and take-charge leaders with alpha dog energy, so can come across as intense but have good natural instincts about others (entrepreneurs, managers, personal trainers).
Thrive under pressure and love competition.
Like to be in control and typically don’t care what other people think of them.
Risk-takers but protective of those they love, so may be found in the police force or fire department
J-Lo, Judge Judy (this made me laugh out loud — ‘alpha dog,’ so true).

The three aura rare colours
Compassionate, old souls, quiet and contemplative.
Feel pull towards the spiritual and enjoy being in nature, but can also be scientific.
Little to no boundaries and tend to fit into whatever space they’re put into, like water, so have trouble getting to know their true selves.
Able to hold the energy of others and serve as a mirror, which is their gift, but struggle to remain detached from the reflection of others.
Gravitate toward eco-conscious jobs or energy or naturopathic healings.
Really rare — the only famous example is the singer, Jewel.
Intuitive mind-readers and sensitive, so absorb energy and have difficulty setting boundaries.
Similar to Blues but can’t handle as much human interaction, so need isolation to process and heal and are better one-on-one than in groups.
Drawn to helping others and great at communicating through non-verbal skills (think Reiki or energy healing), so relate well to animals and those with special needs.
Oprah, Joaquin Phoenix.
Optimistic, pure, loving, and innocent with ‘caged bird’ and ‘Disney princess’ vibes.
Often called unrealistic, naive and hopeless romantics, and are misconstrued as shallow because they just prefer to look at life through rose-coloured glasses.
Believe in unequivocal good of others and humanity.
Brilliant manifestors, almost childlike because they like what they like and want what they want — and get it.
Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian.

How to see auras
Our third eye chakra, centred between our eyebrows, is our connection to all things intuitive and spiritual, so is what allows us to pick up on auras.
Highly intuitive people have very open third eyes, so are naturally attuned to see a cloud of colour surrounding people.
Children are also able to easily read aura colours because they’re open-minded to the unseen and believers in magic. Unfortunately, we’re taught to close off our third eye chakras because society values visible, provable truths. But as you continue to expand your spiritual exploration and practice using your intuition, this will come with more ease to you.
Personally, I don’t visually see a colour; I feel the colour. Certain types of people remind me of a colour — my science-minded, logical friends just seem green to me — and when I meet someone new, I consider who they remind me of and usually give them that colour too.
Here’s an exercise you can try:
- Close your eyes and deepen your breathing. Start rubbing your hands together to generate heat, then slowly pull them apart. You’ll be able to feel the energy field between your hands, like a warm, buzzing or pulling sensation.
- Gently open your eyes and gaze softly, almost squinting, at your hands. Notice any colours that appear.
- Practice often to see your energetic field more clearly.
You can try it on someone else by holding your gaze steadily on them, letting your eyes lose focus of their details and seeing more of the ‘energy’ or ‘air’ around them. Or pay attention to how they make you feel and what type of energy they’re giving off — and begin to associate that with a colour.
I’d love to hear which colours you resonate with, or try this quiz. Personally, I’m a mixture of Blue + Yellow — deeply sensitive yet organised and curious to a fault!
With love,

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